
Pilates is an exercise modality that combines strength, mobility and flexibility training alongside the fundamental principles of optimal breathing, postural alignment and core control.

It brings the mind and body together by focusing on precise controlled movements in the body alongside concentration and breathing to focus the mind.

It is an incredibly effective tool for injury rehabilitation to aid recovery from back pain, hip pain and any condition that results in weakness and muscle imbalance in the system. It is also a safe and powerful way to regain strength and mobility post-surgery and post-pregnancy.

For those with conditions such as Osteoporosis, Parkinsons and Hypermobility, Pilates offers a safe and effective way to strengthen the body and improve posture, balance and proprioception. It is very versatile and is easily modifiable to work at the right level for everyone.

I have written a blog going into a bit more detail on the benefits of Pilates. Please click here to read the full article or see the summary box for a quick overview.

I have completed my training through both Stott Institute and the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute which specialises in Pilates for injury rehabilitation.

Group classes

Combining my extensive experience in sports injury therapy and movement retraining I deliver unique classes that will leave you feeling strong, mobile and in tune with your body. Class numbers are limited to 10 to ensure you get the most from the session and I am able to see and spend time with everyone.

Classes usually run at C1 Chiropractic Health Centre, Bristol but are currently paused due to COVID-19.

1:1 classes

For 1:1 classes a full assessment will be completed on week 1 to create a personalised programme to help you reach your goals, whether that be injury recovery, improving strength, flexibility, posture or decreasing stress. This is reviewed regularly and progressed to keep you moving forward with your goals.

1:1 classes run either at C1 Chiropractic Health Centre or my home clinic in Eastville Bristol.

Benefits of Pilates

  • Builds muscular strength
  • Increases core strength and control
  • Improves balance
  • Improves flexibility
  • Improves co-ordination
  • Safe and effective rehabilitation tool post injury
  • Improves posture and alignment
  • Excellent for injury prevention
  • Improves breathing patterns
  • Helps with stress management
I attend weekly Pilates classes with Elly which I thoroughly enjoy. These have really helped build my strength which in turn has helped resolve my back problem.

Linda P.

Elly Nashat

Linda P.

I attend weekly Pilates classes with Elly which I thoroughly enjoy. These have really helped build my strength which in turn has helped resolve my back problem.
Hi Elly, Just want to say I am loving your classes. I have already noticed a big difference in my posture and am getting better at the poses so thank you 🙂

Sarah G.

Elly Nashat

Sarah G.

Hi Elly, Just want to say I am loving your classes. I have already noticed a big difference in my posture and am getting better at the poses so thank you 🙂
Thanks for the class Elly, it was excellent! we felt really stretched in a nice way afterwards!

Sarah W.

Elly Nashat

Sarah W.

Thanks for the class Elly, it was excellent! we felt really stretched in a nice way afterwards!
Elly Nashat

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