The Benefits of Pilates
by ellynash | Mar 8, 2016 | All posts, Pilates
Pilates is gaining in popularity every day, and for good reason. It is a brilliant way to enhance strength, balance, co-ordination and flexibility without building muscle bulk and is invaluable for injury prevention and rehabilitation, which is why I am training to...

Squat mechanics
by ellynash | Feb 4, 2016 | All posts, Sports Injury Therapy
Here is a useful article from Physio Answers on the best and worst squat positions and the effect on the lumbar spine. Take home messages are Make sure the spine remains neutral during squatting, do not allow spinal flexion at the bottom of the squat. Spinal...
Staring into a screen…
by ellynash | Oct 23, 2015 | All posts, Sports Injury Therapy
We are just not designed for it! There is lots of information on workplace set up available, but I wanted to put the main points of consideration in one place for easy reference for my clients. Staying in any position for a prolonged length of time is not good for our...
Ankle dorsiflexion compensations
by ellynash | Sep 16, 2015 | All posts, Anatomy in Motion, Gait analysis, Sports Injury Therapy
One important factor to look at when looking at gait is whether the client has enough dorsi flexion to easily move through the gait cycle without compensating elsewhere. As always if we cannot make a movement at one joint this movement will be made elsewhere up the...